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Author: nishead4

Perfect your job with right tools

Everyone has heard the saying; “the right tool for the right job”, and “you are only as good as your tools.” These sayings are very true when it comes to the choice and use of tools in the construction sites. The quality of the tools that you choose to use are as important as the…
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Quality Control vs Quality Assurance

Since we are in to Quality Management for construction projects, many a times we had to explain about the above subject. So just thought of bringing it on record of some our thoughts on the subject… Short Answer: Quality Control (QC): Comparing the results of Checking / Inspecting / Testing (CIT) process with the standards.                …
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Waterproofing preparatory works – Bore packing

Bore packing is one of the preparatory works for waterproofing. This is to be ensured in Plumbing and Electrical penetrations. For example, Bore packing will be done for plumbing lines that are crossing the RCC members in toilets. Bore packing is the process of fixing Plumbing pipes in RCC members (Slabs or beams or RCC…
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Surface voids in concrete

Surface voids are the cavities or little holes that appear on the surface of concrete castings. Surface voids (commonly known as pitting) are referred to as “bug holes” or “fish eyes”. These voids may produce an unacceptable appearance on the surface of the finished casting. Understanding the causes of surface voids and what can be…
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Door Frame fixing using foam adhesives

Generally, door Frame fixing is done in following methodologies, Hold fast system Anchoring system Foam adhesive system Foam cum anchoring system Here, we would like to discuss about the foam adhesive system; General requirements of door frame fixing, The following are the requirements of frame fixing, Frames are to be strongly fixed with the masonry Opening sizes…
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Clear Cover

The term clear cover defines the space given to the reinforcement from exposing. If reinforcement gets exposed to air and water, oxidation process happens which reduces the strength of the steel (reinforcement) resulting rust. Whenever steel is used there will be clear cover varying from 20-75 mm which acts as protection layer for steel. In…
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Gypsum Plastering

Walls set the first impression for building finishes. The gypsum plastering helps in achieving undulation free smooth walls. What is gypsum? Gypsum is a rock like sedimentary mineral it’s found in the earth crust, extracted, processed and used by man in construction work. Gypsum is composed of calcium sulphate and water. Gypsum is an evaporate mineral,…
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Craftsmanship vs Mass Production

Few decades back building construction was done mostly by craftsmanship. That is, most of the construction activities are handled by masons. As on today we are in mass production era and there are number of trades and skills required to cope up with high volumes with shortened time lines. Going away from craftsmanship and handling…
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Filtered Sand

River sand is largely used in construction projects. At times along with river sand, filter sand will also be delivered to construction sites. Without enough experience, many people in site will not be able to differentiate the Filter sand from river sand and they will use it in construction. These filter sands have various disadvantages…
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Natural sand vs Manufactured sand

Natural sand / River sand has been used in construction for many centuries. Recently for past few years due to various reasons, we have to use manufactured sand / crushed sand. Let’s discuss about the properties and applications of manufactured sand comparing with Natural sand. 1. Sourcing: Natural sand is sourced from river beds. Process…
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